Social Media for PD

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest… So many teachers are already using social media to access ideas and PLNs.  (I am starting to wonder if there are any elementary school art projects that did not originate on Pinterest!)  The key, of course is discerning the quality of the professional learning that is out there… which brings me back to this video which suggested that curriculum could be distilled into:

  1. Reading Comprehension

  2. Information Search and Retrieval Skills

  3. How to believe? I.e. Critical thinking in the digital world

All of this is true for teachers too.  Social media can help us feel less isolated (I certainly know that as a Core French and Music teacher), but as educators we must be vigilant about from where and from whom we get our professional learning.  Ministries, universities and school boards are wise to jump into #socialmediaPD with two feet!



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